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Author Page







I love to write! I love feeling inspired and watching characters and scenes come to life. Storylines and words flow from beyond my comprehension and play out like a movie in my head. All I have to do is act as scribe. If I could write all day every day it would be a dream come true. But alas, as the mother of 3, I make time for it as often as life allows.


With each book I write, I learn more about myself and the world around me. I appreciate the infinite number of stories, truths, and experiences that we each hold close to our hearts and I relish the ability to BE another, even if only briefly, as I see the world through their eyes.


I write to KNOW the unknowable, the unfathomable, and the seemingly impossible. The act of writing allows me to tap into an expanded consciousness where all things are possible. It challenges my perception of limitation and reality. For truly, all things are knowable. And even that which we consider unfathomable is in truth, possible.


The stories I write are classified under paranormal-fantasy fiction… yeah, let’s call them fiction… “Dream Bound”, (which was a co-authored project with my long time hetero-life-mate, Kristal Walker), can be purchased on Amazon by following the link below.


I’ve included our 30 second elevator pitch for your convenience in order to entice you to follow said link...



Ava Hunt and Evangeline Stevens were reborn to a legacy that will bring about the apocalypse, a thinning of the veil, and an end to the separation between realms. Their shared birthright transcends time and space and catapults them forward toward an unknowable future. After haunting visitations and a warning of impending darkness, the girls soon discover they are Dream Walkers destined to wake those who bear the mark of the Originals [the first peoples of earth endowed with supernatural abilities]. With help from others of their kind they are introduced to a forgotten and ancient history very different from the one known to the rest of man. As Dream Walkers, Ava and Evangeline are compelled to accept their charge in order to restore cosmic order. Along the way the girls must also uncover the secrets of their Original past, an enduring love, and tragic betrayal before history repeats itself and the world is forever lost in the illusion of darkness. 

“Where dreamers dwell, I wish to know, the secrets held within my soul…”

“Write it. Shoot it. Publish it. Crochet it, sauté it, whatever. MAKE.” -Joss Whedon

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